Custom Hydration Wizard WPF

2018/10/30 | 1 minute read |

I decide to refresh all my Windows Forms project into WPF Application, I start with my first Application Custom Hydration Wizard

1. Remember Hydration Kit

In all Hydration Kit made by Johan Arwidmark you must change all customsetting.ini for all Task Sequence. For each virtual machine, there is an INI file that populates the machine-specific information, they are located in the Deploy\Control\ directory of the DVD or USB bootable they are named in the following way :

  • CustomSettings_“ID Tasksequence“.ini


With This Application you can personnalize all the Value during the Tasksequence. Be carefull if you want to make this all the MDT application can use this modificiation, they must be fully variable.

2. Windows Form Application


To create the application I use PowerShell Studio. I decide to modernize the Interface with Mahapps and more easy to maintain. If you don’t have the Software you don’t maintain it.

3. WPF Application

I use Mahapps to create this modern Application with XAML. In this version I remove the countdown, now you can modify value when you want.

3.1 Part VM Info


3.2 Part Computer


3.3 Part Networking


3.4 Part Active Directory


3.5 Part DHCP


4. How to use my Script

4.1 Download the script

The script is available in my github repository Here.

Please don’t forget to Unblock Files

To use it you can first Unblock File or you use the Apps from [MVP] Damien Van Robaeys here ;-) …

get-ChildItem -recurse | Unblock-File

Be carefull if you use the latest ADK 1809 there is some problem with WPF in WinPe there is some workaround :

  • Apply October CU to your WinPe 1809 only : Here
  • Copy 1 file from ADK 1803 into your Boot.wim Here

4.2 Use with MDT

  • First you need to extract the Archive copy the content of the Folder WPF Application to your Script Folder


  • Second For all your Taskquence you need to add One Action.

    • Add Powershell Run Script
      • %SCRIPTROOT%\CWH\Run_CWH.ps1

    The content of the script :

powershell.exe -sta -executionpolicy Bypass -file CWH.ps1


5. Demo Time


Written by Jérôme Bezet-Torres @JM2K69.